
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Words Words Words

Hi you!

I hope this Tuesday treated you well. Just think, tomorrow is Wednesday and that means we're almost to Friday!

Thought I'd give you a little update on what's been going on around here lately!

Monster has turned into a playful pup quite quickly. Last week when I gave him a bath I was worried about how skinny the little guy was, but he now officially has a belly on him! He's eating more frequently and being much more active. Today he got another bath because I accidentally dropped some of my curling mousse on his head, so his hair got gross....whoops. He still hated the bath, but at least he smells good again :)

My parents received a new-to-them bed from one of my grandma's friends and when they brought that home from STL they also brought back our piano that had been at grandma's house for almost 2 years. We put it down in the basement so now I have a yoga studio AND a music room. I've played every day since it's been here and I've fallen back in love with losing myself in the notes. It's super great, I just play lots of Disney songs and hymns.

Last Wednesday I went into my dad's work, Crossroads Hospice, to go through Volunteer Training. When I moved back my dad had the idea of me volunteering because I love the elderly and I have the time so why not cheer someone up? Also, now that we've got Monster, I can take him to nursing homes and cheer people up of ALL ages. At the training we learned about Crossroads itself and talked about what we'll do as volunteers. I told them I'd be flexible as far as the different things I can do. I'd love to sing, read books, or just sit and talk with someone who needs another someone. I'm excited to get started!

Gymboree is still going well! I'm completely on my own and loving it. I love being able to create relationships with the little ones and their parents as they come in each week. Yesterday we had an Easter Egg Hunt and one little girl grabbed my finger and helped me hide the eggs. Those little moments are the ones I love, the ones that make my heart go "oh! hey...we like that."

Life with mom & dad is still great. I love when mom plays with Monster. She was definitely the least "into" getting the dog, but I think maybe, just MAYBE his cute little face is convincing her to love him. [it probably helps that I'm the one up with him at 3 in the AM.] We started watching the miniseries The Bible and we really like it! It's such a cool way to present the greatest story ever to the whole world.

I am still going to therapy which is still a positive thing, still working on the daily to improve my "self-image" - still striving for improvement. If you have gone through this same type of thing you'll understand when I say uhhhhhh it's tough. It is literally a day-to-day process of redirecting my thoughts to the positive side. Crushing the voice of Sad that still whispers in my ear saying, "hey girl, you're tired...just go back to bed..." I've improved from giving in and crawling back into bed to now saying No to Sad and saying Yes to Positive. Notice I didn't say Happy. I've realized that being Positive is different than being Happy. Positive takes work and has lasting effects. Happy lasts not so long and just leaves you searching for more. Positivity is something to strive for and work at. [Did ANY of that make ANY sense?]

In conclusion - life is going well.

Okay okay I'll stop making you read all these words - with no pictures?! Next time, I'll have pictures.

Oh! - Life Lesson: Don't give up. Ever. You're MUCH stronger than you think you are. 

I love ya'll.


1 comment:

  1. I've definitely been learning that "happiness is fleeting" thing.
    Love hearing updates from you.
    But mostly just love you.



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