
Sunday, April 21, 2013

"Time Flies When You're Having Fun"

hi, you

the quote in the title used to make me roll my eyes
but weekends like this one have helped change my mind.

worked 9 - 12:45
went home
Bradee came over!
we took Monster to the vet 
he's now 4.1 lbs at 13 weeks
vet said he looks great! 
Bradee and I watched TV til the parents got home
we went to IHOP
I ate french toast
me, Bradee and mom went to Target
I got new pens
and some hair color
at home, Bradee helps me do my hair
we then play an intense game of Taboo
mom and dad end up beating us by 3. [97-100]

I subbed for a teacher at work 9-1:45
afterward Bradee and I went shopping at Independence Center!
I bought all the things for spring/summer
Bradee and I hugged and we went our separate ways
at home, the parents and I watch an episode of The Bible
Jesus is born...which was beautifully done
we then watched Family Feud 
we really like that show, but only when Steve Harvey is the host
parents go to bed, Monster and I watch Friends

worship was great. sermon was great. God is great.
children's ministry
I love children. God uses them in such huge ways.
home - tacos for lunch 
mom, Monster, and I went to Walmart then Sonic for happy hour!
I cleaned my room while Monster ran in circles [literally]
we went for a walk, met some other dogs
now the parents and I are watching the Cardinals game


this is what work looks like!

Monster's Sunday selfie
new hair! ombre! [lighter on the bottom]
Life Lesson: You don't always have to have big, exciting plans to make great memories. Simplicity makes life better.

I hope your weekend was wonderful. Take a deep breath, Monday is coming. 
but we can do it. 
love you guys!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

All the Feels

hi friends

today I went to therapy. we discussed my feelings. sounds so cliche, huh? but what it made me do was open up, become vulnerable, and be uncomfortable for 45 minutes...oh the HORROR!

our world has become so surfacy. by that I mean we as humans are becoming more and more used to putting on our facade every day and being "fine, just fine." how often are you asked "hey, how're you?" "how are things going?" and how often do you quickly respond, as if on autopilot, "doing well!" "things are good!" how honest are you being?

we have become avoiders. we avoid what we're really feeling. if someone were to actually be honest and respond with a "I'm not doing too's been pretty tough" then the person they're talking to is instantly asked to slow down their pace and be concerned with someone else's life.

I know that this can get in the way of life. you might be late to a meeting or picking up your kid at school...but what if by stopping to talk to that person you ease their mind just that little bit? what if that's all they needed to move on with their day. I don't know about you, but I know for me it's always good to release my thoughts after I've hoarded them too long. I either talk to my parents or write in my journal. we all have our own way to release.

so here's my challenge:
today I want you to Examine Your Feelings. [you will survive, I promise.]

Step 1
check in with yourself.
are you angry?

whatever the emotion, feel it. explore why you're feeling that. and if it comes down to the answer being "just because.." that's okay. you've thought on it. you've accepted it.

Step 2
share your chosen emotion(s).
tell your spouse, best friend, dog [animals are great, but sometimes they don't have much to say...]
go through your entire thought process with them.
discovering the emotion, why you're feeling it, then what you're going to do about it.
write it down. on a post-it, napkin, or in your journal.
spell out what your
brain has got going on.

Step 3
take a deep breath.
remind yourself that you are human.
that you are allowed to feel.

you may think I'm crazy. and again, let me remind you, I am in no way trying to be a therapist. I'm just wanting to share with you things that have helped me. today's session was pretty tough. I talked about difficult things. but now as I'm sitting here in the living room with Monster, I feel a little lighter. I don't feel as burdened with those feelings. I know that they are there. I confronted them. and now I can move on. and that, my friends, is a beautiful thing.

as of yesterday, Monster is 3 months old!
I'd also like to share with you an article I found while on Tumblr.
it's called "Depression Isn't Selfish" and it is beautifully written.

I hope this entry didn't come across too weird :)

and a picture of Monster...of course.

all my love!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

An Update? Part 2

Well hello again.

There's one more thing I'd love to share with you!

I have been accepted to the University of Central Missouri (UCM) in Warrensburg, MO.
I toured in the beginning of March and met with the head of the Special Education department.
I really liked the campus, enjoyed the tour, and got some great advice from Dr. Neal.

After some serious time with the Lord and after starting to work with the kids at church, I've come to realize my huge desire to work with kids with special needs. There's a huge need for it, and I like to think I'm blessed with the patience and the desire to love the ones who need it most. (did that make sense?)

I will start classes online this summer and then go to Warrensburg on Tuesdays and Thursdays to take classes on campus. The faculty and advisement staff were all really great and accommodating. I already feel taken care of and that's another thing we as humans tend to enjoy, right?

I'm super excited to get started on this new journey. It's definitely given me something to look forward to!

Alright, that's it for real this time.
i love you!

An Update? But really, just pictures of Monster.

hello my lovelies.
it has been quite some time since I have updated!
I know you've been anxious to hear how my life has been going.

First I would like to show you the various positions in which Monster likes to sleep. (riveting stuff, I know.)

on my belly, under a blanket

curled up on my neck

between my dad's feet

on his back, paws up

this was after a long walk, on my chest

under a towel in the car

and curled up with my tough guy Uncle Ron at Easter
(my favorite picture ever)
As far as puppy training goes, this last week was a tough one. He had multiple accidents and his chewing/biting on us/everything was a little ridiculous. He has been really good these past couple of days, though. I got him a couple more toys yesterday and today he's been doing really well at responding to "sit" before he gets a toy. We've had lots of fun walking around the neighborhood. We also went to a dog park one day! He loved it. I didn't take my phone in so I don't have any pictures, but next time I will be sure to capture those moments, he LOVES other dogs, kids, and other humans. It was a lot of fun. 

Work is going well. The note and baggie of chocolates are from my first night of teaching all on my own without anyone helping/observing. I've been really blessed with having a great boss who supports all of us.

One special moment from my Lvl 4 class (16-22 month olds):
I have bonded with a little girl named Brynlley...she is a super great listener and LOVES to help me clean up. One night she came in with red rimmed eyes, the sign of a recent breakdown. Her mom said that she was throwing a fit before they got in the car to come to class but when they mentioned my name by saying "you get to go play with Miss Hannah!" and the tears stopped. I myself got a little choked up for like, 2 seconds. It was a great moment of reassurance and encouragement. A moment of clarity, really. A moment of "hey girl, you got this. you're doing well." and I think as humans we all need little moments like that every once and a while. :)

Easter was a great time! We served at church on Saturday during the first of three services at church. What a great joy it is to be able to witness the purest children of God learning and soaking in the phenomenal events that changed the WORLD. On Sunday morning we went to church and then drove to my mom's side of the family in Tightwad, MO. (yes..that's a town.) We took Monster which was so fun! They live in the country so he got to be off his leash and run. He is sooooo fast. I'm working on recording him sometime. He loved it. He was worn out when we got home and was pretty tired for the next couple of days. Lots of naps :) my cousins brought their puppy, Lulu, too.

 She's about a week younger than Monster. she's a Goldendoodle. retriever and poodle. at first she was pretty skeptical of Monster but then she warmed up to him and would just put a paw on his chest and pin him to the ground. It was great. The kids did an Easter egg hunt, we ate lots of food, and sat around and talked. It was pretty great. and the weather was PERFECT.

our Easter selfie
Monster discovered car scenery 

Opening Day of baseball was on April 1st so Monster celebrated by being himself - super cute.

(His shirt says "Daddy's Little All-Star"...and it's Cardinals colors so I HAD to get it for him.)

Okay! Please stick with me. I wanted to show you how much he's grown!

March 13, 2013

April 12, 2013

To say that I love him would be a huge understatement. If you say I'm obsessed? I will ignore you.

Okay. That's all for now. I hope you didn't get bored or rolled your eyes too hard at all of the puppy pictures, but MAN he's great. I hope your week starts off wonderfully tomorrow. It's only a Monday, we've survived others, we can survive this one! I love you, thanks for reading :)



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