
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Story Time!

alright friends, gather round, it's story time.
this story is called "Journey to Joy: Hannah Runs"
I may be biased but it's a great one.

this past May an all-staff email was sent out to Franklin Smith Elementary, where I work. 
the email was asking for anyone who would like to volunteer to be a Running Buddy
 for Girls on the Run.
Girls on the Run is a program designed for 3rd-8th grade girls that teaches them just how valuable they are as human beings/girls, and how important it is to practice healthy habits in their every day lives.
I had asked around about this program was already semi-interested and after reading this email, something in my brain twitched and I knew I would regret not seizing this opportunity.
I volunteered.
I was set up to run with a 4th grade girl and my journey of running and inspiration began.

my duty as a Running Buddy was to run a 5K with my girl and I was terrified.
running is not my first choice for exercise - ever.
but this program focuses on more than just running and that is what I love most.
these girls are learning how to be okay with themselves and how to create stable and lasting relationships. I would have LOVED this sort of thing when I was their age! (omg, I'm old.)

we did the 5K and it was awesome. so many girls cheering each other on and being supported by their school's staff and family members. it was exciting and loud and FUN.

a week before we ran, my pastor at church randomly came up to me and said,
"you look like a runner!" 
I laughed in his face.
he then introduced me to a guy about to do a talk on World Vision and the running team our church was going to put together. 
they showed this incredible video of people in Africa receiving clean water for the first time because a person in American ran 13 or 26 miles. 

how great is that. talk about a win/win situation. 

soooo after trying to ignore Jesus tapping on my heart and then giving up with that,
I signed up for the half-marathon.

that's 13.1 miles.
insane, but God's plans for us were never meant to be boring friends. 
He plans a life for us that is abounding in adventure and joy. 

I've been training since mid-June and tonight I ran the most I've ever ran - 6 miles.
my dad has been running with me and it has been so good.
he knows me well and knows how to push me and has been such a great piece in my journey!

I still need to raise money. the goal is $1,310 and I've got $100.
fundraising is scary but doable and I'm praying daily that I find the courage to ask my loved ones to contribute - it's going straight to someone in need!

THIS is my fundraising page.
if you would like to donate I will love you forever and you are helping change lives!
(if you decide not to - I still love you.)

race day is October 17th - the day before my 24th birthday. 
I can't wait to say goodbye to 23 - a year of crazy growth and experience by doing something I never thought I could do and by helping people across the world.

also this fall I am an assistant coach for Girls on the Run.
I get to spend 2 days a week with these girls, learning and growing right beside them.
it is going to be a fantastic adventure. 

please keep me in your thoughts and prayers these next 2 months!
training continues up until the day of the race and you can donate anytime before then. 

as always, thank you for reading my words.
it's so fun to share with you and I'm excited to do so more often.



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