
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hello :)

[as you may have noticed I changed my look on here. I wanted something more simple. I really like it now!]

Nothing TOO much has happened since Wednesday. Thursday was a lazy day with the puppy...we've gotten really really good at napping together on the couch. He's such a cuddle bug!
exploring the table
sun bathing :)
On Friday morning I taught on my own at Gymboree. It was fun! I'm still learning a lot each time which is so interesting. My kiddos seem like they're all going to be really great. Friday was a gorgeous day. After getting off work around 1:00 I got to go home and sit outside with the little guy!

Friday night we ate at home and then went to Orange Leaf for dessert. We took Monster making it his first adventure outside the house! It was so fun. People LOVED him. We even had a couple take a picture of him because they'd been talking about getting a dog and they really liked the way he looked. I do not blame them at all. He is so adorable! Our friends Bryan and Tammy met us there and we spent some time with them which is always good! Then mom and I went to Target to buy my dear friend Rachel's wedding shower gift! I love shopping trips with mom.

Saturday morning after taking the pup out twice in the night, dad let me sleep in which was fantastic. Then I got ready for Rachel's shower! It was super getting to see her and another girl from the Lighthouse, Emily! 

We got to chat and watch Rach open her gifts. Then we went to eat and just got to spend time together. It was really really great. I can't wait to witness Josh and Rachel get hitched in June. Also, I'm officially her Honorary Flower Girl. So excited! :)

Last night we watched Skyfall [ and I watched, mom snoozed in and out.] It was fantastic! I need to watch all the other Bond movies. I loved the action. and Judi Dench, of course.

This morning was our normal Sunday morning. Worship and then children's ministry. I'm really starting to like the routine. The kids are such a blessing. I love blowing bubbles, building Lego towers, and watching them listen to the Bible story. [also having kids sit in my lap/all around's so great.] 

Tomorrow starts another week. I'll be at Gymboree in the afternoon and then be at home with Monster. Kids and puppy time - LOVE IT. I hope your week gets off to a great start. Can you believe we're half way through March?!
"May I have some?" - Monster

Before I go here's a story:
During the 10:30 service when we're downstairs with the kids they have a 15 minute worship time where we sing some songs and say a prayer. I think it's really great for the get them started early with worshipping with others. At the end the adult in charge had kids who wanted to pray make a line and they each took turns praying out loud. One little girl was especially cute. 

"Dear God..thank you for mommy and daddy. For my new toys and my big sister. Also...thank you for the extra candies for my new Pez dispenser...amen."

Life Lesson: Remember to be thankful for the little things. Child-like faith is something to strive for. There is so much to learn from the little ones we're teaching every day. 

PS - I talked about where we got Monster in my last post. I said we got him near Belton - not true. It was Oak Grove. Whoops. If you're interested in finding a new friend here's the couple's information! 

okay, I'm outta here. I love you guys!


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