
Saturday, July 27, 2013

life according to my iPhone

so life has gotten back to normal since coming back from vacation. I'm working lots and still helping at church. I have finished one of my online classes and will finish the other one in a couple of weeks! it's been tough, but I've learned a lot and have actually done really well! amazing what studying and doing your assignments will do, right?

I missed Monster - a lot.

mom got a job - YAY so we celebrated

after the dog park

being cute again

with a friend's dog - Abby


pool hangs
Life is good and about to get crazy with school officially starting on the 20th of August. I'm rather nervous about classes/meeting new people/making friends...prayers would be appreciated :) mom will be starting her new job soon so that will be an adjustment - I'll miss getting to hang out with her during the day! but it is such a blessing that she found something new and different. Gymboree has been going well - I really enjoy what I do. The kids are great and I'm learning a lot. This season of life has definitely turned into an educating one. I've learned a lot about spending time with myself - how it is OKAY to be alone. I've also learned that I'm super excited for the next chapter in life. I'm ready to move forward and see what the Lord has in store for me. Things are definitely in the works, I can feel it - so exciting! I love y'all! 


On Holiday...


This was our view from our room :)
 As I mentioned in my last post, the parents and I went down to Gulf Shoes, Alabama for a week of vacation. It was just what we needed. We drove down, which wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be - to be honest. We listened to books on CD and that helped the time pass much more quickly. I did school work also, which was NOT fun...but productive.

holding a baby kangaroo!

mom did, too!

we also held lemurs

fed them nuts, and they drank gatorade. 

so cute!

my very first time flying a kite!
white sand forever

we loved spending time on the beach!

we went on a dolphin cruise and saw LOTS of dolphins - they also let me drive the boat >>>>

we stayed at the Plantation for the week

beautiful sunsets

wonderful family time

all the family!
We went to Waco, TX before we went home - it was super great to see Josh and Ashley. Us girls painted pottery and got our nails done while the boys played disc golf at a local park. It was so fun! We played cards that night and went to church before going home. The time spent with them was short, but full of stories, laughter, and love. 

We really had a wonderful time. We ate lots of seafood and laughed a lot. I'm excited for trips in the future! 


Friday, July 5, 2013

America, the Beautiful

We are so lucky to live in a country that is beautiful and free. As I sat in my lawn chair watching the fireworks explode in the sky, I thought about how truly great it is live in America. I have had the chance to sing our national anthem at several sporting events in the past and I always get so excited to sing those beautiful lyrics. They're so powerful! I looked them up tonight and the second verse talks about how the next morning the flag could still be seen.

On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

I mean, wow. Talk about resilience. and that's why America is so great...we have so many success stories - of people's lives falling apart and how they have picked those pieces back up. Wether it be a natural disaster, death, or a divorce, people come together, stick by each other and move on. That's what America is to me. Remaining strong together. I know at times we have wondered "what in the world is happening?" with politics and such, but we have these days like the 4th where we all come together to celebrate the Land of the Free. 

Mom, dad, Monster and I traveled down to Tightwad, MO to see my mom's side of the family. We hung out, ate BBQ, fed some catfish, and then went into Windsor, MO to watch the fireworks. Monster was NOT a fan of the loud noises. Dad had to take him to the van for the remainder of the show :( 


I hope you all had a fantastic holiday. The (hopefully) day off from work certainly had to be nice! 

Tomorrow the parentals and I leave for a week long vacation in Gulf Shores, Alabama! We are very excited. We'll be hanging on the beach a lot and doing other fun things. I plan on taking a TON of pictures so get ready for that blog post. Lots of sunsets I'm sure :)  

love y'all! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Oh my, July.

Happy July!
Can you believe we're OVER half way through 2013?! So crazy.
Time is such a funny thing. We feel like we have so much of it and yet, it flies by. Even more as you grow up I've realized.

June was a month of fun :) here's what happened:

The Royals game with Bradee! Her roommate Annie came, along with her parents, brother, and his girlfriend. The Royals won and then there were fireworks afterward. We tried our very hardest to get on the jumbotron screen, but failed. Next time - it will happen.

our view

I dog/house sat for my cousins while they were on vacation at Disney. It was a week of driving back and forth and lots of responsibility. I enjoyed being on my own, though! Bella was pretty skeptical of me in the beginning but by the end of the week we were best friends. Lulu likes to sleep on the air vent and this is what would happen when her tags got stuck. Such a silly girl. 
Lulu - labradoodle 6 months

Bella - Great Dane 5 years

Father's Day!
new 'do 
I got my hairs cut! It's now stacked in the back. A small change, but I really like it!

<<<<<<  On Father's Day we went to church like normal. My dad was on call for his work so we did the fun things on Saturday. We went to see a movie titled "Mud." It was good. Look it up here. Then we went to Cheesecake Factory - always a good (and yummy!) time :) 

I went to an outdoor concert with mom and dad in Lee's Summit. The bands did covers of 70's and 80's music. We took lawn chairs and ended up staying until 10:00! The last band was really awesome - a power house woman lead singer. It was a good time :)

first dance

On June 22nd my sweet friend Rachel married her best friend, Josh. This wedding will certainly be a highlight of my summer. Not only did I get to witness the (beautiful) vows between these two, I also got to see the girls from The Lighthouse after being apart for 3 months. What a joyous reunion!

We got to talk about our lives, boys, and upcoming events. It was perfect.

love is SO sweet

I've been working hard in my 2 online classes. I've taken a test and gotten a high B on it, so I know that hard work and studying actually does pay off - who knew?! :) Monster is wonderful as ever - getting bigger! He's 5 months crazy we've had him for 3 months. I love him! He is still a great study buddy. 

I love you guys! I plan to write more in July :) 
I hope your lives are going well. 
<3 Hannah

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