
Monday, August 12, 2013

Life Lately

hi :)

can you believe it's August? summer is almost over. time is crazy. here's what I've been up to these past few weeks:

Monster and I went through the bank's drive thru and they gave him a dog bone - he was very pleased. (yes, I'm that lady who tells you about going to the bank just to show you a cute picture of her dog.)
such a ham.

married! yay love!
a dear high school friend of mine, Abbey, got married on the 3rd. I got to go back to where I grew up, Chillicothe. the wedding was beautiful, the cake was delicious, and the bride was stunning. I got to catch up with so many people, it was great. lots of hugs and lots of sweet words. I also got to talk to two of my favorite teachers from high school for a long time - I loved it. 

I also got to stay and catch up with my forever friend, Jessica. her parents have some goats that are mowing the grass around a lagoon for them, so we visited them. they were very cute. we also played Wii tennis, and Mario Cart. and of course stayed up entirely too late talking and giggling - a much needed reunion!
she really liked us. 
I met a goat.

On Saturday night my dad and I decided to ride bikes! We rode up to a conservation area near our house that has several lakes. The total trip was about 6 miles. Oh yeah - I hadn't ridden a bike since senior year in high school. Sunday morning my bottom was pretty angry with me. I am no longer sore, thank goodness, but I am ready to ride again! It was pretty difficult, but we didn't stop - even though dad offered several times - I did NOT want to be That Girl Who Had To Stop. Stubborn? Me? Never. My dad is a patient man. One of the many, many thing I admire about him. I was reminded of this trait when he waited for me to slowly inch up the last couple of hills before we reached home. I am excited for more night likes this. 
we HAD to take a picture!

Mom's job has officially started! She started training last week and will continue through this week. All of the new employees had to take a test to be able to keep their job - anyone who got under an 80% would be let go. Mom studied every night leading up to the test on Friday morning and she not only passed, she ROCKED it with 98%! I am so proud of her! She's now doing more one - on - one training and learning more every day. I'm very excited for her and this new chapter of her work life! 

Official Things!
Gymboree is still great. I get hugs and high fives daily - what else can I ask for? (I suppose the paycheck is nice, too.) 

School begins in one week. My feelings about this are all over the map. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, scared, happy, etc. I am ready, I know I am, but MAN it's intimidating. I'm starting all over - new major, new school, new everything. Lots of deep breaths and prayers will help me get through. I went to Warrensburg this past Tuesday and got my ID card and I also received my parking tag! Things are pretty official now. My online classes have ended. I got an A in my Communication Disorders class and a B in Teaching the Exceptional Child. I am very pleased and worked hard for those letters! It's a GREAT feeling to see hard work pay off. 

I hope your days are going well. Fall is right around the corner! Exciting things are to come. 
cooler weather
pumpkin flavored everything
World Series baseball! 
my 22nd (what?!) birthday - October 18th (gifts? what? I like those...)

I love you - thank you so much for reading. 



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