
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

E is for Exciting

hey hi hello! 

how are you? I'm doing pretty great. a few exciting things have been going on lately! here's a list :)

      1. my brother Josh turned 24! 
Josh's birthday was March 7th. I've only really disliked that he lives so far away a couple of times. I know that the Lord has a great purpose for them out in CA, but sometimes you just want to be near someone when it's time to celebrate! So after missing them on Christmas, I missed him on his birthday a lot too. BUT all is well. I let him how much I love him. 

2. I've started teaching on my own at Gymboree!
I've been training for the past couple of weeks with other teachers and such. It's been really great to watch these women and see how they've made the lessons their own. Tuesday night I was officially introduced as the new teacher. That Level 4 class (16-22 months) is going to be so fun. All of the kiddos are happy and love playing! The grown ups are really nice, too so that's great. On Friday morning I'll have the classes to myself with a teacher observing/helping if necessary. It's so exciting!

3. WE GOT A PUPPY!!!!!
That's right. We've added a family member and I could not be more excited. I had been jokingly/seriously telling mom and dad how badly I wanted a puppy for AWHILE. This past Friday I got super serious and started looking up puppies that were for sale in the KC area. I found tons of pictures and stories and REASONS why we needed a puppy like, right now. Mom got pretty annoyed. We may or may not have changed her phone background to one of the puppies. 
After letting it die down a little, mom and dad came back from a trip on Sunday night with the greatest news ever - mom had changed her mind and we were going to start seriously looking. WELL. I found "Marcell" pretty quickly after that on After looking and emailing numerous other pets/owners with no response it was basically a SIGN that we had to get Marcell. 
So on Monday night after I got home from work, we went to meet Marcell at his home. IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, YA'LL.

asleep after playing at home for like, 5 minutes. 
mom and pup :)
love at first puppy kiss.
warming up after going potty outside
this is where he lays while I get ready at and in the morning :)
he's such a model.

 ready for his close up!

best friends.

he was actually watching Judge Joe Brown. it was hilarious.

blogging wears him out. tough life.

So. This is my life now. Kids, hanging with my parents, game nights with friends, and MONSTER. 
                                [isn't that name great? Mom came up with it. I love it.]
Yes, this is my life and I really really could not be in a better place. the Lord is doing some wonderful things on the daily in my heart and I'm so excited to see how it all works out. as Monster sleeps next to me I can't help but take a deep breath and thank Jesus for His grace, timing, and UNCONDITIONAL love. It has literally saved me and kept me going since February 5th when everything changed. 

Please know that His love covers all of your imperfections, mess ups, and scars. His love never ends.          
I love all of you. I hope this little journal brings you some kind of joy :) 

til next time? you bet.

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