
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Five Things

Hey, guys!
What a week. Monday seems like forever ago. I hope your week went well :) [if not? there's a new one coming great is that?]

Here's a list of things that have happened since Monday. I know you've been wondering!

1. It snowed more.
        Tuesday gave us about 2 more inches of snow, so Wednesday was another snow day. I was supposed to go to therapy, have more job training and go to an interview but those were all cancelled! I stayed home and watched Real Housewives of Beverly Hills [go ahead, judge.] and looked at pictures of puppies. This, by the way, is my dream puppy. A French Bulldog. Just look at those ears!
        The interview is at Paradise Park, "Kansas City's Premier Family Destination." That has been moved to this coming Wednesday so if you think about it, send good thoughts and prayers my way! It'd be great and a huge blessing to have another source of income.

2. I got to play with lots of kiddos! 
        On Thursday I trained at Gymboree for about 4 hours. I team-taught with Miss Lisa. We had 4 classes, ages 10 months-3 years old. It was a long and tiring morning, but I learned SO much. I got to lead certain aspects of the class, too so that was exciting.
      One moment that was especially special was when I was interacting with a little girl who I have TOTALLY forgotten the name of! We'll call her Natalie. Natalie was very observant, not really participating but not exactly being shy...just super into taking it all in on her own time. I was on the floor in front of her tapping the mat lightly, pretending I was going to come "get her" but stopped right in front of her so she could decide what to do next. I sat up criss cross applesauce [ohmygoodness. I sound like a teacher!] and she crawled up into my lap. I was delighted but didn't think TOO much of it until her mom, who had been talking with another mother, looked down and gasped, saying "oh my gosh! I've never seen her do that on her own! She normally doesn't do well with strangers!" My heart was so filled with joy. Not only because she had "picked" me to be brave with, but because it made her mom so happy to see her daughter's progress. PRECIOUS MOMENTS PEOPLE. These are what fuel life.

Life Lesson: Never take the little things for granted.

3. I got to spend a lot of time with Bradee!
        On Friday me and Bradee went to the Nelson Atkins Art Museum. It was really fun. We only had to pay for parking and we got about 3 hours of culture! We took silly pictures and just got to be together! We went to Cheesecake Factory afterward and then walked around Forever 21. I put a ton of pictures on my Facebook but here's a couple of my favorites!
 throwin' snow

being one with art :)

4. I laughed a lot.
        Today after training for another 5 hours I came home and napped/watched the Mizzou game. Then invited Bradee over for dinner/games/a movie [the Morgan house is a fun house.] We had hamburgers, played Taboo, and watched Here Comes the Boom. I would recommend this movie! It had a great message and some great humor. Training was great, watching kids learn and discover makes me so incredibly happy. Playing Taboo with my parents and friends is literally one of my favorite things in the world. I love being silly and making my mom laugh. I just love laughing! [wooooow am I one of those people now?] 

5. [I like having my lists end in a solid 5.] 
I learned a lot about myself.
        Since being home I've been able to take the much needed time to get reacquainted with myself. I honestly believe that during that dark time I lost sight of who I was. Being by myself and at Gymboree, I'm starting to see who I have the chance to become. It's an awful tedious task, but I'm allowing myself to be more open and honest with myself which is helping me become so much more at ease with this path that I'm now on. I'm a work in progress and I'm finally becoming okay with that. 

Life Lesson: It's okay to be not okay. 
        We're human. Sometimes we break. We fall apart. But then! Oh man, then we get to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin again. It's hard work. It doesn't happen over night. But once we take that first step, whether it's a huge step [dropping out of college] or small step [taking yourself out on a date, which I TOTALLY recommend.] Once that step is made, the journey has begun! It's your time to renew, refresh, and become who you were MADE TO BE. 

Alright, I'm stepping off my box now. I love you guys. Whoever is reading this. As I've stated before just remind yourself that you ARE loved. and so so so worth that love. 



  1. I love your "life lessons". So simple, but easily forgotten.
    And I love reading about your life. :)



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