
Thursday, May 9, 2013

photos and words!

hey y'all :)

here are some pictures and some words about what's been going on around here!

my brother, the working man
Kansas City skyline

me being productive at work!

flowers on our porch :)

encouragement from sweet Rach

I love our kitchen sky lights!

crossed paws, he's a fancy pup

he sleeps while I get ready

mom and dad's anniversary is May 10... 27 years!

God's beautiful act of promise

So things have been going well! Lots of walks with Monster, lots of work, and lots of good times with the parents. After a weird snowfall incident, I think that Spring has finally sprung. It's so pretty! Things are green, flowers are beautiful, and I've seen a TON of bunnies. 

Therapy is still happening, I'm now at a point where I'll go once a month so that's really encouraging. I've learned a lot...about myself, how I've changed/grown, and where to go from here. If you've ever even considered of going to talk to someone, do it. Try it once. It's so nice to talk to someone who is literally paid to listen to you. 

Monster is growing everyday. He's probably up to around 5 pounds by now and learning so much! He can walk up the stairs in the backyard and go down the stairs to my room. I'm a proud mama. 

I start my first online class for UCM on May 20th! I'm excited to get started which makes me even more excited/nervous for this fall! Yay learning! 

I love you all so much! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!


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