
Sunday, April 14, 2013

An Update? But really, just pictures of Monster.

hello my lovelies.
it has been quite some time since I have updated!
I know you've been anxious to hear how my life has been going.

First I would like to show you the various positions in which Monster likes to sleep. (riveting stuff, I know.)

on my belly, under a blanket

curled up on my neck

between my dad's feet

on his back, paws up

this was after a long walk, on my chest

under a towel in the car

and curled up with my tough guy Uncle Ron at Easter
(my favorite picture ever)
As far as puppy training goes, this last week was a tough one. He had multiple accidents and his chewing/biting on us/everything was a little ridiculous. He has been really good these past couple of days, though. I got him a couple more toys yesterday and today he's been doing really well at responding to "sit" before he gets a toy. We've had lots of fun walking around the neighborhood. We also went to a dog park one day! He loved it. I didn't take my phone in so I don't have any pictures, but next time I will be sure to capture those moments, he LOVES other dogs, kids, and other humans. It was a lot of fun. 

Work is going well. The note and baggie of chocolates are from my first night of teaching all on my own without anyone helping/observing. I've been really blessed with having a great boss who supports all of us.

One special moment from my Lvl 4 class (16-22 month olds):
I have bonded with a little girl named Brynlley...she is a super great listener and LOVES to help me clean up. One night she came in with red rimmed eyes, the sign of a recent breakdown. Her mom said that she was throwing a fit before they got in the car to come to class but when they mentioned my name by saying "you get to go play with Miss Hannah!" and the tears stopped. I myself got a little choked up for like, 2 seconds. It was a great moment of reassurance and encouragement. A moment of clarity, really. A moment of "hey girl, you got this. you're doing well." and I think as humans we all need little moments like that every once and a while. :)

Easter was a great time! We served at church on Saturday during the first of three services at church. What a great joy it is to be able to witness the purest children of God learning and soaking in the phenomenal events that changed the WORLD. On Sunday morning we went to church and then drove to my mom's side of the family in Tightwad, MO. (yes..that's a town.) We took Monster which was so fun! They live in the country so he got to be off his leash and run. He is sooooo fast. I'm working on recording him sometime. He loved it. He was worn out when we got home and was pretty tired for the next couple of days. Lots of naps :) my cousins brought their puppy, Lulu, too.

 She's about a week younger than Monster. she's a Goldendoodle. retriever and poodle. at first she was pretty skeptical of Monster but then she warmed up to him and would just put a paw on his chest and pin him to the ground. It was great. The kids did an Easter egg hunt, we ate lots of food, and sat around and talked. It was pretty great. and the weather was PERFECT.

our Easter selfie
Monster discovered car scenery 

Opening Day of baseball was on April 1st so Monster celebrated by being himself - super cute.

(His shirt says "Daddy's Little All-Star"...and it's Cardinals colors so I HAD to get it for him.)

Okay! Please stick with me. I wanted to show you how much he's grown!

March 13, 2013

April 12, 2013

To say that I love him would be a huge understatement. If you say I'm obsessed? I will ignore you.

Okay. That's all for now. I hope you didn't get bored or rolled your eyes too hard at all of the puppy pictures, but MAN he's great. I hope your week starts off wonderfully tomorrow. It's only a Monday, we've survived others, we can survive this one! I love you, thanks for reading :)


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