
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hazel & Houston // "we go outside now?"

this past Friday it was in the upper 50's so I took the chance to get the kiddos outside. it was great! they rode their wheeled toys and Houston and I played soccer. we said hello to people walking their dogs, getting their mail, and driving by. they loved shouting "Hiiiiii!" it was pretty cute.
we had a "these are the rules." talk before going outside and they both listened so well! 
I think we are getting to a wonderful point of them getting used to me and definitely getting into a rhythm of our days together.

Hazel cuddles.

"play with me!"

"no more pictures, Miss Hannah!"

"I got you this leaf, sissy.."


Valentine's Day Weekend // all the love!

my boyfriend, Korey, arrived in Kansas City on Thursday the 13th. 
let me tell you - I was excited. 

finally here!
after eating dinner with mom and dad we finally got to just hang out together. 
when you live 500 miles away from each other the little moments like sitting next to each other on a couch become so exciting! 
on Friday we ate lunch at Freeb!rds Burritos - it's a lot like Chipotle, but better. (yeah, you read that right.)
fancy us!

then Friday night we got dressed up and went into the city for dinner.
I made reservations for us at Houston's back in January - I'm so glad I did because we waited maybe 10 minutes for our seat, when people calling in were being told there was a 4 hour wait time. Craziness!
our dinner was amazing. the place was pretty fancy so we enjoyed sitting, talking, and (fancy) people watching.

all the things!

he loves getting his picture taken

 on Saturday we stayed home and watched the movie Enough Said with my parents. it was so sweet! I would highly recommend it. 
we then headed to HyVee to shop for groceries - we made my parents dinner that night! Korey is an excellent cook - he is way too humble about it in my opinion. He taught me how to dice an onion (I hate knives, so it was scary) and I manned the green beans! I see lots of efforts like this in our future - I'm more of a "let's order pizza!" cook :)
green beans, pork chop, baked potato, and rolls!
After dinner our friends Bryan, Tammy, and Bradee came over for games! 
I loved it - it was literally my favorite people all together!
I made him a valentine :)
Sunday morning we went to church - I sang with my praise team! It was great. After worship we went down to my Sunday school class - we only had 2 kids but it was still good :)
we went our for lunch, came home and napped, and then had to go back to the airport. 


overall the weekend was incredible. we had time to ourselves, time with my parents and friends, and got to worship together. all these things I've learned are so important to do as a couple. 
we are learning how to love each other in so many ways while being apart.
we know when the other is having a tough day by our voices or text messages. 
 it makes me so thankful for technology. I know that sounds silly? but man, if we couldn't FaceTime or text? I don't know what I'd do! obviously we would survive - I know this. but I'm grateful that we don't have to. being apart has really been difficult! I won't mess around with ya. every day is met with a sigh of " great would  be if after work I could go to Korey's and have him make me dinner?" not a day goes by without that thought, friend. we're learning and we're growing but we are ready for the day when we won't be 500 miles apart :)


Sundays are for Jesus and napping :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday's gift // joy

hello, friends.

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend! I have. Lots of resting, reading, and refreshing. (did you like that alliteration?)

on Friday I didn't have to watch the kids, so I made a run to Hobby Lobby.

If you had asked me a year ago to walk into a Hobby Lobby, I'd shake my head violently and say "nope. not for me." that place used to give me serious anxiety. so many smells, the tinkering piano Jesus music, and so much...STUFF. it all overwhelmed me to a point of serious discomfort. fast forward a year on Friday and you would have found me in the clay aisle muttering* to myself, "hmmm..I could make clay animals..."

*when I shop by myself, which happens quite a lot, I talk to myself. not like, a couple of "hmmms" or casual sighs. I'm talking like, full out conversations with myself. if you were around the corner and couldn't see me but could hear me? you'd think I was with someone. I weigh my options of a purchase out loud, I make jokes with myself and actually laugh out loud - I'm crazy, y'all.*

back to Hobby Lobby - I've found a peace with it. I've discovered why people like it, um they have everything? that's a good reason. I can go in there and just lose myself in projects that I could do or rooms that I could decorate. it definitely gets my creative juices flowing. and it's just a store. so funny how that works, eh? it's funny because this feeling of peace of being alone in an environment that used to be so overwhelming to me is just a small sign of how much growth that has taken place over the past year.

also something that is different than a year ago - I no longer dread going to church. a year ago when I was making not so good decisions, I would be filled with so much dread, guilt, and weariness that the thought of church made me sick to my stomach. I would go occasionally. I'd put on my mask of "I'm fine, just fine." and I'd sit, stand, sway back and forth as I sang, go through all the motions. I'd talk to people, nod my head, say things like, "oh man what a crazy semester, right?" I was a small talk pro. I was the only one who knew it was completely empty. (in retrospect, I doubt I was the only one who knew..people knew, I just ignored that.) I grew to hate that place because I was lying to everyone around me, and myself.

this morning I woke up at 7:25 and got ready for church. I looked forward to our worship team leading us, I looked forward to looking at the Word with our pastor, and I looked forward to seeing those 4 year olds. those hugs, smiles, and the sound of their voices lifting up praises to the Savior who loves each and every one of them so incredibly much that he died. child-like faith is the best. it's inspiring. and I have the opportunity to see it every week. I get to watch and listen as Miss Joyce tells them the Bible story. I get to hear them answer questions about Jesus. and best of all - I get to love on them. I LOVE that part.

that's a lot of words about some heavy stuff. I hope you're still with me. I hope that maybe this helps someone. maybe someone will understand. understand that you are never alone. I promise.

okay, okay. now some pictures of some cute kids. I won't share names but I hope their smiles make you smile :)

I love y'all. as always, thanks for reading :)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hazel & Houston // lessons learned

Lessons I've Learned While Watching Two 3-Year-Olds
1. patience
this lesson is very important. one that needs to be learned by everyone - even if you don't work with children. some helpful hints: 
count to 10! 
take a deep breath! 
smile - even if you're fuming. 
count to 10 again.
take like, 5 more deep breaths.

2. telling a child "because I said so" is powerful.
growing up when an adult would say this to me it would make me angry. who gave them a right to be able to have such a say in matters?! but now that I'm considered a "grown up" that phrase has saved me from trying to justify why it's not like, the best idea to run around the house with no underwear on. 

3. how to make PB&J - very quickly
when Hazel and Houston decide they are hungry and ready for lunch they mean they are ready RIGHT. THIS. MINUTE. so I've learned to ask them about 15 minutes til noon and then when they say "no" I go up to the kitchen and start preparing their food anyway. once they see the bread coming out and the peanut butter jar open, they are suddenly saying "my belly is empty!" but Miss Hannah is there to swoop in and fill those bellies! 

4. being silly is a much better way to get things done
so the other day I had to go into Houston's room and wake him up from a nap. I just hated doing it because I knew the little guy was so comfortable and warm but I didn't want him bouncing on the walls at 11:00 PM and then Chris and Annette hating me. I walked in quietly, sat on the edge of his bed and tapped his shoulder..."Houston, time to get up..." he responded when a grumble and pulling the blankets over his head. I took his sock monkey and started tickling him with it and talking with my best impression of Nasim Pedrad's character Arianna Huffington from SNL - if that means nothing to you then I just used a silly voice :) 
I said things like, "ooooh Mr. Houston, why are you so sleeeeeepy?" and "ooooh Mr. Houston it's time to get uuuuup!" Hazel crawled into his room and up to his bed and we tickled him awake and got him laughing. I tell this story because I have caught myself getting frustrated when them and using my more "stern, teacher" voice. Even though that "voice" gets things done - being silly and making them both laugh was so much rewarding. I pray for patience every day and I think I'll start praying for a silly spirit as well.

5. hugs, kisses, and nap time are thee greatest things. ever. 
Hazel is the sweetest girl in the world. her hugs make my heart swell with love. even better? one day I was on the couch, being silly when Houston was upset about no more Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (a travesty, really.) I had started to fake cry, making lots of whining noises and pretend "cry hiccups." Hazel crawled over the couch, lifted up my hand and kissed it. then I almost started to real cry because it was the sweetest gesture! Houston has been known to say things like, "this is really fun, Miss Hannah!" and "why you have to go home?" I love them so much! I mention nap time because well, as most baby sitters/mothers/fathers/grandparents/etc. know..once they are asleep you sigh a sigh of relief and tip toe away from their door doing a dance. or is that just me? when even Houston slept the other day? I had a 30 second dance party in the kitchen. (Grey's Anatomy fans will understand that one.) 

I have learned so much from these kiddos. They are so precious to me and The Lord and I'm so happy that I've been given this opportunity to watch them! 

living room picnic

update // life lately

alright, friends - I've done it again. I've left you waiting for almost an entire month for a new blog post. I know you've been sitting at your computer, refreshing my page, just waiting to see what I've been up to lately. I am so sorry that I have kept you anticipating the exciting stories and pictures I have to share, trust me, there are a lot of both :)

way back during the second weekend of January, my parents, Bradee, and I went to Stanford & Sons Comedy Club in Kansas City, KS. my dad won 4 tickets on the radio to see comedian Kira Soltanovich. she was hilarious. before the club opened its doors we went next door and played games at Dave & Buster's. Bradee and I got 100 pts! We turned them in for a rubber chicken slingshot thing. I'll just say our memories will last us longer than that toy. It was a great night!

on January 17th, Monster Joseph Morgan turned 1 year old.
he really is the greatest dog. as much as I wanted to do a party, bake him a cake, and really just go all out for his big day, I was just too exhausted from school and life! he did get lots of hugs (which no different than any other day) and a couple of treats! 

Bradee, her boyfriend Danish, and I went to see Frozen one weekend that didn't have to study. It was a blast. The movie was fantastic - funny, visually beautiful, and full of love :)

Korey is still the cutest boyfriend around. Eisley is also still one of the cutest puppies out there. She's getting so big!

My brother Josh and his wife Ashley are traveling to Liberia this Spring with their training school and are raising support in various ways. One way is selling these T-shirts. The message is simple "There is Hope." Hope for the lost, broken, and hurt. If you are at all interested in having one of these you can contact Josh or Ashley on the Ramah Training School Facebook page. To ship them it's just $21 to spread the message to those in need! To learn more about the training school they are leaders of you can go here.

mom and I went on a movie date to see August: Osage County last weekend. talk about incredible acting and fascinating drama. I really love spending time with that lady. she makes me laugh and teaches me so much. I've said a lot of things lately that remind me of something she would say and once I say them I think to myself, "oh my...I'm Carla Morgan." :)

the Prewitts came over last Sunday to watch the Super Bowl (or really the, Eh It was Okay Bowl) we ate Taco Soup mom had made and sweets that Tammy brought. it was fun! (Maybe not so much for Peyton..poor guy.)
If you need a book suggestion I have one for you. The first movie comes out in March and I'm very excited. I read the first one and before I finished on Monday night, I stopped at Target to pick up the second one - I couldn't wait to see what happens!

have to bundle up - it's cold!
We got an incredible amount of snow this week. I didn't have school on Tuesday, no work on Tuesday night or Wednesday, and my first class was cancelled this morning (Thursday)! Craziness. Monster loves the snow. He likes to bury his nose in and eat it.

alright friends - these were the extra fun things that have happened lately. i'll write about Houston & Hazel adventures and my school happenings next! stick around :)

I love you!


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