
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Story Time

hello you!

I have a story to tell you :)

this past Sunday my parents, our friends [the Prewitts], and I did something really fun. we went to the Independence Event Center and saw Chris Tomlin on his "Lights" tour! Talk about WORSHIP. Kari Jobe opened for him and I instantly fell in love with her voice, music, and love for Christ.

Pictures Or It Didn't Happen:

As you can see my camera's zoom is fantastic! This experience is definitely something I will remember for a really long time. I was so so SO afraid it would be good but not an "experience." I was blown away by how pulled in I was and how God moved in that place! and as I type those words I now feel silly for ever thinking God wouldn't show up and do work! I'm such a human.

You should definitely check out Tomlin's newest album and Kari Jobe has some amazing music as well. My favorite song of hers that I've found so far is My Beloved from her self-titled album "Kari Jobe." The first time I listened to this song it was like Jesus was whispering in my ear, "hey..listen..this is from me." These words stick out so much to me:

I'll breathe my life inside of you
I'll bear you up on eagle's wings
And hide you in the shadow of my strength

I'll take you to my quiet waters
I'll restore your soul
Come rest in me and be made whole

I mean, COME ON! Right? So good. This night proved to be something I really really needed and I didn't even know it. To worship with thousands of other people is something I think everyone should experience! It was very very uplifting. 

Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. 1. Jealous.
    2. I'm adding that to my spotify right now.
    3. I love you.



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