
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Life in Pictures

hey dear ones. 
here are some pictures about my life. 

Easter was beautiful - we spent time with my mom's side. 
My dad's mom was able to come and spend the weekend with us, too.
 I love our crazy family!

We had miniature horses come pay our room a visit at school. The kids LOVED them - they were so stinking cute. It was awesome.

We've got babies right outside our front door again! Can't wait to see these birds begin life!

I was able to go to the zoo with the second graders - Ms. Morgan was PUMPED. It was a really great day.

Our kindergarten classrooms at school did a science unit on baby chicks and they got to visit our room - talk about CUTE.

I found this quote/photo on Pinterest and it really hit me hard. 
The best is yet to come, y'all :)

I love you!

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