
Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Update

Hello, lovelies.

I dearly hope your Mondays are going well. We're about to get hit with another 5-10 inches of snow here in the KC area. If you're near snow and icy areas, be careful! Stay inside and snuggle up with a book or a person. Or both!

On Saturday my aunt and uncle came to our house for dinner. They brought along their granddaughter [my cousin] Harper. Harper is 3 years old and a huge delight to have around. I showed her my room, we colored some Dora pictures, and watched The Little Mermaid after dinner before eating ice cream. It was a lot of fun. She also showed us some of her ballet moves and we took turns skipping down the hall. We always end up having a good time together.

She went into my old room and picked her favorite stuffed animals. Pooh Bear is always a good choice.
Tangled was on for a little bit!

On Sunday mom, dad, and I went to church at First Baptist in Blue Springs. They became members there in September. We've all volunteered to work in the children's ministry after the 9 am service. It's an early start to the morning but it's been really rewarding getting to work with the kids. I help teach a 3 year old class. It's so fun to watch them learn and connect the dots with some of the greatest stories in the Bible. 

Today was my first day of Assistant Teaching at Gymboree. On Monday afternoons I'll help with the school-age kids. It's basically a PE class and then 2 hours of preschool type activities. Today the theme was "Dental Health" so we made tooth fairy wands, counted our teeth, and talked about the letter T. The kids were all sweet - it was a good first day!

One little story before I go. A 3 year old name Bodie was in the restroom. I noticed he had been in there for a little bit so I decided to walk back and check on him. I walk in to see him standing near the sink shivering. After getting him to go potty in the stool I noticed that my sock was wet. I looked down, and couldn't see anything on the floor so I was pretty confused. I continued helping him. I then noticed his little undies were soaked. That's why he was shivering...he was covered in pee pee. I then looked down to discovered the floor was covered as well. I asked him if he was okay and he looked up at me with his huge eyes and said "I'm so sorry Miss Hannah..." I chuckled and told him that everything was going to be okay. I hugged him, rubbed his head full of blonde hair, and told him I'd go get him some new clothes. Thankfully his mother had packed him another outfit! The little guy was perfectly fine after he got some warm, dry clothes on and we moved on with our day.

Life Lesson: Don't focus on your mistakes too long. Apologize and move on. 

This may be a far-fetched lesson to get out of this occurrence, but I think it makes sense. He apologized and didn't wallow in his tiny "mistake" of missing the toilet. He got new clothes and he was back to his normal self! 

That's all for now. Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. the little mermaid - em would be so jealous ;)
    your job sounds AMAZING.



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