
Monday, February 18, 2013


Hello, reader. 

How are you? I can't hear you, so I'm just going to assume that you're doing juuuuuust peachy. To start off I think I will make a list of reasons why I started this blog.

Reasons I Started This Blog (clever, eh?)
  1. I like to write. [This makes sense, right? Ok. Cool.]
  2. It helps me out. [Selfish reason? Maybe...but I don't care.]
  3. Everyone's doing it. [Worldly reason? Yup.]
  4. My dear friend Rachel has one. [I just really like her. check out her spot!]
  5. I want to help others. and maybe make you laugh. [Self-explanatory.] 

Okay. So now that we've got that out of the way I will introduce you to my life. If you know me, then you probably already know about a lot of the first few things I'll explain, but maybe not exactly from my point of view. 


I'm on the left. On the right is my friend Bradee...we'll get to her later.

This is the real me. Kinda weird, but you get used to it.


These people are my favorite in the world. [me, Josh, Ashley, dad, mom]
Josh and Ashley were married on September 1, 2012. Jesus brought them together in Waco, TX and they now live in Redding, CA. Josh is in seminary and Ashley is an RN. Mom and Dad have been together for almost 27 years. They have taught me what real love is just by loving each other. This picture was taken over New Year's Eve. Josh and Ashley came to Lee's Summit for a couple of days. Those days were filled of laughter, tears, and bonding. 
Ashley is like the sister I never had. Mom said the other day that we act like we've known each other forever. I agree :) I'm so glad she's apart of our family! 
Josh is two years older than me. We were the typical sister/brother duo while growing up; never really getting along until he left for college. It's like I realized how great he was when he was over an hour away. After he moved to Texas and got his world rocked by God we became even closer and he has become one of my biggest role models. 
My mom and I are sooooo alike. She makes me laugh, she frustrates me, but most of all? She understands me. I have truly found a lifelong friend in the lady that made me change clothes before we left for church multiple times so many years ago. Crazy! I really think she thinks I'm super weird, but when I do something to make her laugh by being weird? Who cares. I love making her laugh.
At 21 years old I can definitely admit that I am a "daddy's girl." My dad and I are pretty much always on the same wave length. He's become one of my closest friends while still being the protective and supportive dad that he is meant to be.  

I think for now, this is good.

Stay tuned for more of my favorite things in life :)



  1. I just love you a lot.
    A LOT.
    And I always love reading your what you write :)

  2. Holy cow. Well this is all kinds of weird.

    Hannah Morgan?!

    I just completely accidentally stumbled upon your blog. I used to sit by you at Church when we were little tikes. My maiden name is Minnick - remember me?!

    This is crazy. You live in KC now, and my husband and I live in KC. I don't think I just accidentally stumbled upon this - I would love to connect with you sometime. Seriously. Shoot me an email sometime at For reals.

    In His Love,



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