
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Houston & Hazel // new beginnings

at the end of November I got a phone call from Becky Blaine - our church's Director of Early Childhood Ministries. she told me about a family who needed someone to watch their kids during the week. This was a special, personalized request though because one of the kids has Prader-Willi Syndrome which is a rare genetic disorder in which seven genes (or some subset thereof) on chromosome 15 are deleted or unexpressed (chromosome 15q partial deletion) on the paternal chromosome. (thanks, Wikipedia.) another symptom is a chronic feeling of hunger that can lead to excessive overeating and obesity. Becky knew I'm going toward a degree in Special Education and thought I would probably jump at the chance for hands-on experience. She was right - I jumped.

I met the family - Annette, Chris, Hazel and Houston - and fell in love. The kids (3 year old twins) are delightfully sweet. Of course at first they were both pretty shy - Houston especially, but at the end of the night I got sweet, sweet hugs from both of them. Hugs that made me so excited to return to watch them.

We figured out a schedule - Annette is nurse and works two days of the week. She can pretty much pick her schedule so we decided Mondays and Fridays will work the best with my Gymboree schedule. I left their home after the meeting without saying yes or no - I had to call my boss and run this by her. After a night of praying, talking to my parents, Korey, and more praying..I called Karian with confidence and was met with encouragement and willingness to help out. I was ecstatic! We all really thought this was The Lord's blessing and something He's had in the works for awhile now.

This past Monday the 6th was my first day. Let me tell you - by the time 6:00 came around I was exhausted. I've babysat since I was in 8th grade. I've worked with kids pretty much every day for the past year (almost, anyway). But watching two kids, keeping them entertained, and keeping them from annoying each other for a solid 9-6pm shift? That was a challenge. A challenge I will gladly accept every week.

We played with play-doh, played hide-and-go-seek, watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, ate hot dogs for lunch, took a bath (I mentioned taking a bath as a joke and suddenly Houston was running down the hall naked, ready to jump in the tub), danced, listened to music, and rested.

making art 

say cheese!

the day was good. the day was long. the day was sweet. 

one of my favorite moments was when I had put Hazel in her bed to nap (sweet and cute all in itself) and Houston and I rested on the couch together. He sighed at one point, smiled, and said "I'm sleepy but I am NOT closing my eyes." and then he did close his eyes, I moved a little bit, his eyes shot open and he said, "I didn't fall asleep!" 

I'm looking forward to seeing these kiddos every week. I'm excited to watch them grow and get into a routine with them. I'm so happy I've been given this chance to help a family, hang out with kids, and learn so much. 

keep your eyes open for more pictures and stories :)



  1. You're amazing and such a blessing to us Hannah! God has answered our prayers in so many ways in finding you. This made me cry! -Annette

  2. What a perfectly God orchestrated opportunity!



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