
Thursday, February 6, 2014

update // life lately

alright, friends - I've done it again. I've left you waiting for almost an entire month for a new blog post. I know you've been sitting at your computer, refreshing my page, just waiting to see what I've been up to lately. I am so sorry that I have kept you anticipating the exciting stories and pictures I have to share, trust me, there are a lot of both :)

way back during the second weekend of January, my parents, Bradee, and I went to Stanford & Sons Comedy Club in Kansas City, KS. my dad won 4 tickets on the radio to see comedian Kira Soltanovich. she was hilarious. before the club opened its doors we went next door and played games at Dave & Buster's. Bradee and I got 100 pts! We turned them in for a rubber chicken slingshot thing. I'll just say our memories will last us longer than that toy. It was a great night!

on January 17th, Monster Joseph Morgan turned 1 year old.
he really is the greatest dog. as much as I wanted to do a party, bake him a cake, and really just go all out for his big day, I was just too exhausted from school and life! he did get lots of hugs (which no different than any other day) and a couple of treats! 

Bradee, her boyfriend Danish, and I went to see Frozen one weekend that didn't have to study. It was a blast. The movie was fantastic - funny, visually beautiful, and full of love :)

Korey is still the cutest boyfriend around. Eisley is also still one of the cutest puppies out there. She's getting so big!

My brother Josh and his wife Ashley are traveling to Liberia this Spring with their training school and are raising support in various ways. One way is selling these T-shirts. The message is simple "There is Hope." Hope for the lost, broken, and hurt. If you are at all interested in having one of these you can contact Josh or Ashley on the Ramah Training School Facebook page. To ship them it's just $21 to spread the message to those in need! To learn more about the training school they are leaders of you can go here.

mom and I went on a movie date to see August: Osage County last weekend. talk about incredible acting and fascinating drama. I really love spending time with that lady. she makes me laugh and teaches me so much. I've said a lot of things lately that remind me of something she would say and once I say them I think to myself, "oh my...I'm Carla Morgan." :)

the Prewitts came over last Sunday to watch the Super Bowl (or really the, Eh It was Okay Bowl) we ate Taco Soup mom had made and sweets that Tammy brought. it was fun! (Maybe not so much for Peyton..poor guy.)
If you need a book suggestion I have one for you. The first movie comes out in March and I'm very excited. I read the first one and before I finished on Monday night, I stopped at Target to pick up the second one - I couldn't wait to see what happens!

have to bundle up - it's cold!
We got an incredible amount of snow this week. I didn't have school on Tuesday, no work on Tuesday night or Wednesday, and my first class was cancelled this morning (Thursday)! Craziness. Monster loves the snow. He likes to bury his nose in and eat it.

alright friends - these were the extra fun things that have happened lately. i'll write about Houston & Hazel adventures and my school happenings next! stick around :)

I love you!

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