
Friday, January 3, 2014

I left my heart in Indiana...

On Saturday, the 28th of December, I woke up at 5:15 in the morning to get ready for a ride to the airport. This is the day that Korey and I had been looking forward to since he left Kansas City back in October. 

Landed in Indianapolis around 10:30
Walked/ran to baggage claim to find Korey
We hugged/giggled/kissed hello
We left the airport and went to eat lunch
After lunch we went to the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA)
We browsed the different sections of paintings and after just a little bit of culture, the exhaustion of the morning hit me and I asked if we could leave and rest (not before hitting the gift shop, of course)
Went back to Korey and his brother Kris's apartment in Fishers (about 30 minutes outside of the city) and I met their English Bulldog, Eisley. 
Talk about a cute puppy. Also talk about a biter.
After hanging out with the puppy and taking a nap, we got ready to go out and eat.
We met their friends from church, Jeff and Mandi, for a dinner at a restaurant called Sahm's. 
Jeff and Mandi are one of the neatest couples I've met. I honestly was afraid it was going to be awkward - meeting new friends and having to make conversation?! Ack!
But it was easy - they are so kind, it was a breeze to keep conversation flowing.
After dinner we went back to the apartment and played Apples to Apples and Monopoly Draw. It was so fun! (Jeff won one round of Apples and I won the other.)
The day was long - plane flight, meeting new people, meeting the puppy - but it was a good, good day.
cliche plane photo
after landing :)

meeting Eisley

my first round of Apples to Apples

Korey picked me up for church around 9:30 (he had to go in early to practice with the band)
I met lots of people, worshipped, and then met more people
We went to Panda Express for lunch with Kris and their friends Kyle and Jenna
After lunch we headed to a pastry shop for a Bible study that Kyle led
We talked about the New Year and setting goals - Kyle is a very gifted teacher, I learned a lot in just a short 30 minute session! 
We left the study and went back to the apartment for a Sunday nap 
Then we invited Jeff and Mandi over for another game night! (I love board games and am so glad I've found someone who shares that love!)
We ordered yummy pizza and watched Youtube videos :)
We then played more Apples to Apples.

Korey had to work until 3:30 so I was able to sleep in and then Mandi came to pick me up 
we ate lunch in the town they live in, Noblesville at a place called Rosie's
it was such a cute place! we ate and talked for over an hour. 
it was such a blessing to be able to share our stories and to know that Korey and I have a couple that is rooting for us. 
after we ate we walked around downtown. 
if any of you reading this are Gilmore Girls fans this town is set up a lot like Stars Hollow! Mandi is a big fan and mentioned that Rosie's is like her own Luke's :) we loved finding out that we like the same kind of things - mostly normal girly things but we also have lots of other things in common! 
we browsed through a couple of antique stores and wished we had all the money in the world
after trying to be nice and visit Korey at work but failing, she dropped me back off at the apartment so I could let Eisley out to potty and eat lunch 
Eisley and I hung out for an hour, watched The Office, and then Korey got home!
That night we went on a date just the two of us. We drove into the city to eat a taco place called Bakersfield. It was so good! The place itself was very cool and the food made it even better. It was loud, so we couldn't have cute, in-depth conversations, but we did get to people watch and be a couple just like everyone else! That was so nice - to finally be able to do "couply" things. 
We finished eating and then drove back to Fishers. 
We then watched Dumb and Dumber with Kris - I had never seen it! It was hilarious.
(Come to find out, I have not seen a LOT of movies...Korey has now made it a goal to educate me on all I have been missing.)

that face!
date night!

Tuesday (New Year's Eve!)
Korey woke me up at 7:00 because I had planned on going with him to the vet for Eisley to get her second round of shots, but then I said "ummm..I'm just going to sleep..." and he lovingly allowed it :)
After getting ready, we drove to Bloomington to meet his
parents and grandparents. 
We took Eisley with us and met them at Cracker Barrel. 
(if you ever want to go to lunch, we're going to Cracker Barrel. I love that place.)
We ate brunch and then drove to Doug and Nannette's (his parents) house - they live with Doug's mom in a subdivision that his dad built - it's all so neat!
When we got there I was looking at their DVD collection and noticed that they had our high school's production of White Christmas! So of course we had to watch it. It was hilarious seeing Korey and myself on stage, falling in love as Bob and Betty. It was an unexpected and funny walk down memory lane. 
We then got ready for dinner with the rest of his family! I was pretty nervous about meeting everyone, but once we sat down and I got to talking to his 6 year old cousin, Mason, I was much more comfortable. We talked about what first grade is like and what he does at recess. He then introduced me to a NASCAR guessing game. He'd give me the sponsor name and I was to guess the driver's name. I was very bad at this game - which pleased Mason very much. 
After dinner we went back to Doug and Nannette's and hung out for a little bit. The kids played with Eisley while Korey and Kris hunted for board games. We said goodbye to the kids and his parents. His parents had a church service to go to. Then there were four of us - Kris, Korey, their cousin Jeremy, and me. We played (kinda) Trivial Pursuit - the original edition. We really just read each other questions and realized how hard the game is and how many things we don't know. It was still fun, though! Then played a couple of other card games. We set an alarm for 11:55, when that went off we went in to the living room to turn on the tv. We watched the ball drop, Korey and I got our midnight kiss, then Jeremy left and Kris fell asleep. Korey and I ended up staying up til around 3:30 talking. When you live 500 miles away from each other and rely so heavily on texting/Facetime/phone calls to communicate the opportunity to stay up and talk in person is one that you take - you don't say "eh, it's late." you keep talking while you yawn between each sentence :) it was a perfect way to begin 2014!
driving to Bloomington

NYE 2013 :)

Mason, me, Marlee, and Korey :)

Trivial Pursuit

Kris and Eisley

Me, Eisley, Mason, Korey, Marlee, and Madeline

Wednesday (Happy New Year!)
Wednesday Korey again let me sleep in (he's so sweet) then we got up and got going
He and his mom fixed lunch - pork chops, potatoes, and salad. 
Korey seasoned the meat and they were delicious
(have I mentioned how much I lucked out with this guy?!)
we ate and then packed up to make the trip back to Fishers. 
we went to see the Secret Life of Walter Mitty - it was so good! I highly recommend it!
after the movie we drove to Noblesville to Jeff and Mandi's house for dinner
Jeff makes his own sauerkraut and Mandi made homemade meatballs and spaghetti sauce
It. Was. Delicious. 
we had some really great conversations, too.
after Kris left to let the dog out, Mandi and I teamed up against Korey and Jeff in a game of Catch Phrase. Mandi and I beat them in 2 games. It was great. We were great. We were the WINNERS.
We ended the night there with talks of our favorite movies, looking at their wedding photos, and talking about their cat's, McGonagall, quirks. 
That night at Korey's apartment we watched Dirty Dancing. 
He was so sweet and stayed awake the whole time! :)

Catch Phrase

Thursday (back to Missouri day)
overnight it snowed up to 7 inches and it was bitterly cold.
Korey and I stayed at the apartment all day and watched movies. 
it was really great. 
my flight ended up getting delayed an hour so we got some extra time to lay on the couch. we were not complaining at all :)
we left for the airport after showering and getting presentable
the trip normally takes about 45 minutes, but with snow and road conditions it took us 1.5 hours
It was not so fun. We made it on time thankfully though. 
"thankfully" - I'd rather have been able to stay just one more day! or forever. whatever. 
I then got through security and on the plane and flew away.

movie day!

watching movies with us :)
snow day/movie day/cuddle day

he got me that cardigan! I love it.

sweet girl (until she bites you)


Kansas City

The week was perfect. It was just what we needed. 2 months apart was awful. I know that couples go longer. I know that couples live farther than 500 miles apart. I know that couples who are separated because of the military have to deal with the stress of possibly losing their loved one to death, but there are also couples like us. and it sucks for us, too. I respect all of us. Distance is very very difficult. We have learned a lot in just 2 months, though. Definitely. and I'll say it again - I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us. We would love your prayers. We would love your support. 

This trip was the first (second, technically) of many. He is coming to KC in February for Valentine's Day! We then plan to start meeting in St. Louis and staying with my grandma Carol. It's a 3-4 hour drive for both of us. So that is doable and much cheaper than flying. 

Thanks for reading my novel. I did this for y'all to read but I also did it for me! I love coming back and reading about what has happened. :) 



  1. I awwed so much at this.
    I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip! :)

  2. So glad we were able to meet you & that we got to hang out on that Monday. It was a great day! I love that you get that Rosie's is like my Luke's! ;-)



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