
Monday, November 25, 2013

it's the most wonderful time of the year...

hello friends.

I've said this multiple times but can you believe how quickly this year is going?! It's crazy to think that in a WEEK it will be December. What a whirlwind these past 9 months have been. The thought that I have been home that long is very hard to wrap my mind around. I have changed so much: physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. I've been on the go and pretty busy lately that I haven't had time to slow down and reflect on it. That's why I'm so looking forward to Christmas break. I will still be working 4 days a week (I added Fridays back to my schedule at Gymboree..the extra money will be a blessing as will the extra kiddo time!) but I will have time to rest and hang out with Monster :) oh! my parents, too.

Other fun things coming up include:

1. Being involved in my church's Christmas program!
we've been rehearsing every Wednesday since mid-August. I've met a lot of new people and of course have gotten to sing...a lot. I'm an alto in the large ensemble choir and in the quintet I'm apart of I'm a soprano. I really have enjoyed the process of learning the music and being apart of a group of people who enjoy music and Jesus! The performances are in a couple of weekends. The link below will take you to more info if you would have ANY interest in attending! (You can just copy and paste the address to your search bar) I know that's a crazy request but it really is going to be a great time celebrating the Savior's birth!

2. Christmas time
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but the entire "Holiday Season" is a beautiful time. I don't mind the cold weather, there are twinkly lights everywhere, Starbucks has their Caramel Apple Spice, and people are attempting to be more loving :)

3. a trip to Chillicothe
I've talked to Shannon about coming and spending some time with her in Chillicothe! this means at least one movie day where we stay in our pajamas all day and watch movies, late night talks about the meaning of life (or boys, whatever), and getting to see all the other wonderful people that I grew up with!

4. a trip to Indianapolis!
"but Hannah...why would you be flying on a plane by yourself to Indianapolis?!" Uhhhh because my boyfriend lives there! silly goose. I'll be leaving on a Saturday and staying until Thursday. That's a whole six days with that boy who I like a lot! This long distance relationship has proven to be not so fun - very doable and will be so worth it - but very tough. We are both so excited to get more than just a weekend together and to be able to ring in the New Year together!

5. lots of family time
Thanksgiving will be such a great time - Josh and Ashley are driving in from Waco so we've got family at our house this year. I'm very excited (it might have something to do with not having to travel).

I sincerely hope that each of you have a wonderful holiday season. Please be safe driving, caroling, and eating lots of turkey.


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