
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

all things bright & beautiful // nature

these past few weeks have been a little season of awareness for me. back in the beginning of this month dad noticed that there was a bird's nest in one of bushes in the front yard. inside the nest were two bright blue eggs and freshly hatched baby bird! 

momma bird doin' her thing

later that same day baby bird 1 was joined by baby bird 2 and 3!

It was amazing to see how much the little guys grew in such a short time. unfortunately 2 of the babies did not survive. we don't know what happened to the third one, I like to think he is flying somewhere - maybe taking care of baby birds of his own! although he would be awfully young to have a family.

so ever since this bird discovery I have become hyper-aware of all things nature. it just fascinates me that birds, these little creatures with tiny tiny brains, can construct a home for their youngsters. it blows my mind that birds can do that and I as a human can't remember to replace the toilet paper roll. 

I've started taking more pictures of beautiful things - mostly flowers and other random things of nature. I've really enjoyed having this kind of "awakening" to what's going on around me! 
ducks in Branson

one of my favorite things I've captured - ever.

a lizard. 

Bandit - a raccoon 

hope you enjoyed this picture post! :)


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