
Monday, September 9, 2013

oh - hi, September!

Hello, friends :)
a lot has been happening around here!
Let me update you:

on August 11th the parentals and I went to Starlight Theatre in KC to see my little cousin, Karson sing before the main stage show - Footloose. She sang really well and the show was pretty good. It was the first production I'd seen since leaving MSU in about some emotions. I was afraid I was going to have this freak out moment of "oh my goodness...what am I doing? I miss this - I want to be back on the stage." I was very relieved to not have those thoughts. I do miss singing - but I am taking steps to get that back in my life (I'll explain later.) I know that I'm where I'm supposed to be and that feeling - that peace? is indescribable.
me and pops

I got another haircut...I went to a salon in downtown Lee's Summit and the guy who did it wanted to "have some fun." so...I got an asymmetrical cut.
as you can see - one side is shorter than the other. it's different, but it has really grown (pa ha) on me. I've gotten the hang of styling it and really enjoy the ease of getting ready!

On the 17th we got together with some family and had a fun day out! We ate at Pizza Street, went to a park, and then fed some animals! It was great to see the kids and be able to play with them. 
Harper in action

Syd flyin' high!

all the kids (and dad)

just feedin' an elk

After feeding the animals we ate dinner at our house and spent more time together. It was a warm day but a good day! My mom has the best ideas.

On our last official night of summer, Bradee and I watched Singin in the Rain and ate Panera on her couch. It was good to talk through our nerves about school starting - I really love that girl. 

on August 20th I started classes. the night before I was mess of nerves. I was so...afraid. Afraid of the new school, the people, the teachers, classes - everything. If you know me you know I don't like to do things that I'm bad at. at MSU I had gotten used to the campus, I had a ton of friends, and - until things started going downhill- I had a great outlook on what my future held. I saw going to UCM and being the New Girl as this challenge that I didn't even want to take on. I hate getting lost, I hate small talk, and I hate just not knowing things. I just hated the thought of starting over. Thankfully the Lord is in control and I'm not, right? sheesh. 

first day of school outfit
I started the day with the things that I could control. I got a new skirt and shirt so I felt comfortable (maxi skirts are heaven) and I also felt confident - my hair cooperated and my face wasn't acting up too badly :) I had laid my outfit out the night before so I wasn't rushed after showering - this eased my mind tremendously.  I had made my lunch the night before and it was ready to go stayed at the house because I totally spaced on grabbing it. But at least I made it! 

Classes were great. I really like all my teachers. I go to Warrensburg on Tuesday/Thursday for 3 classes, 10:00-3:15. and I'm also in 2 online classes. Talk about homework! I've been able to keep up with everything and it's the third week in, so I'm not too overwhelmed just yet. I look forward to going to class, which is new and refreshing. I had forgotten how much I LOVE school...I am such a teacher's pet. It's a little ridiculous. Overall I can say that my prayers have been answered - I am surviving, learning, and enjoying all the hard work that I'm putting in. It's so wild to look back at a year ago and see how much I've changed and grown for the better. 

I'm still loving working with the kiddos in Sunday School. Joyce and I moved rooms and moved up with the kids on Promotion Sunday, so it's been fun being in a new room and meeting some new kids.
a balanced meal

my friend, Madison
Work at Gymboree is still going well. I find it funny that it's even called work. I get to play with kids and watch them learn and grow. I've learned so much about myself, too. It's been really eye-opening in a lot of aspects. One of my "students" from my Level 4 class (level 4 is 16-22 month olds), Brynnley, has stolen my heart. She is a sweetie and her parents are really great. One night she brought me a flower and it made my WEEK.

Now, I cant leave without a picture of Monster, right? He's still the best puppy ever. He is a ball of energy and brings me so much joy. He will be 8 months old on the 17th! 
wind in your hair...

Things that are coming up:
a visit to see my friend Shannon!
Mumford and Sons concert
Grey's Anatomy season premiere. 
My birthday! :)

Thank you for reading all these words!
I love you very much. 

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