
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Goodbye, May!

Hello, my lovelies.
I must apologize for taking so long to update you.
I know you've been refreshing my blog to see if I've added more picture of Monster :)

May was a month of precious memories.
We'll start with Mother's Day!

A cup full of love! :)
Love you, lady!
 Words could never ever describe how much this lady means to me. The Lord's plan is one of great timing. I never thought I would be living with my parents again - I honestly never thought I would enjoy it as much as I do. One of the reasons I love it so much is getting to spend more time with my mom! We're quickly turning into friends along with her being apart of my incredible support system. On Mother's Day we went to church and then later went out to dinner so she could get some fried chicken. It was delicious. On Saturday while she was out running errands, dad and I surprised her with setting up her new Keurig! We were pretty proud of ourselves because it's even red to match our kitchen decor! She has used it every morning since - a gift that keeps giving! Love you, mom :)

I took a trip to Chillicothe in the middle of May to visit my bestest friend, Shannon. She's leaving this coming week for California! She'll be working at a children's camp in the mountains. I am going to miss her a LOT, but I know she'll be having an incredible time - those kids are so lucky to have her! While in Chillicothe we went to the favorite Mexican restaurant, El Toro with our friend Meredith. It was super great to catch up. We then went fishing! This was the first legitimate time I had gone, so I was pretty excited! I ended up catching 10 fish! They included crappie, 1 bluegill, and bass! How crazy is that? We couldn't have asked for a better day, it was beautiful.
lil' bass!

Sally, the blugill!

love him so!

Mr. Monster is now 4 months old and as rambunctious as ever. We love going to the dog park, going for walks, and he just started jumping off the couch! He still needs to learn how to jump UP, though :) He also got his first haircut! We can now see his eyes and I really think he is super handsome!

Also in May my cousin, Jennifer graduated from high school. Talk about making me feel old - I remember holding her when she was a baby. We traveled to St. Louis for the weekend and celebrated with family. It was great to see everyone! 
me, Reagan, Jennifer, and Ashley

I got to watch my other cousin, Harper one Friday night! We watched Disney movies, played outside, and she made me lots of Playdoh hot dogs :) she's always so fun to play with!

Our neighborhood pool has opened - I've spent a couple of afternoons over there already! It's nice to have it so close to our house...less than 500 steps, I counted. Yesterday it was empty for most of the time I was there and the clouds were gorgeous. 

I've started my first online class for UCM! It is Education of the Exceptional Child. I've already had the opportunity to observe a couple of classrooms at Lone Jack Elementary. We are required to and then report about it for a large portion of our grade. I did a lot of work on it yesterday and should be done this week even though it's not due until July 7th! This is just one of the many ways this month has shown some self-growth. I'm much more focused and determined to get into a classroom. Observing got me so excited to one day have my own kiddos and be able to teach them. It's just very nice and comforting to finally be doing what I really want to do. I feel like I have purpose - like I can make a difference. 

Monster makes a great study buddy :)
On Sundays I help teach a Sunday School class of 3 and 4 year olds. This morning we talked about the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors. They are such a blessing and light in my week! We had fun making our little coats today!

I'm very much looking forward to the month of June! Coming up on my calendar:
a Royals game with Bradee
Mumford & Sons concert!
Rachel's wedding! 
lots of summer activities :) 

I hope to be better about writing! Lots of pictures and stories to come, I can promise you that. Have an amazing week, y'all. I love each and every one of you!


1 comment:

  1. 1. i think i have those sunglasses! :)

    2. aren't 3 and 4 year olds the cutest?!

    3. i love you!



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